What is the technological test for Public Transport Operators?
This initiative assists Public Transport Operators (PTOs) in undertaking the necessary transformations for the adoption of electric buses through the purchasing of the buses themselves, carrying out infrastructure and load management studies, and studying organizational changes.
This way, the opportunity of technological change is accrued to promote Gender-Perspective Organizational Diagnosis. These studies seek to reveal the existing gaps between women and men as workers within the company, opening the possibility of designing action plans to generate an organizational and cultural change along the technological one.
How is it implemented?
As a result of the agreements that gave rise to the Project, an economic incentive was made available to the PTOs for the incorporation of electric buses, financed entirely with MOVÉS funds, donated by the Global Environment Facility (GEF). The objective of this international cooperation agreement, in which Montevideo´s PTOs participated, was to establish the necessary foundations to accelerate the reduction of emissions.
This initiative was expanded in its original scope beyond the country’s capital, through a new call aimed exclusively at PTOs outside Montevideo.
The instrument is aligned with the Energy Policy approved by the Council of Ministers in 2008 and the National Policy on Climate Change, approved by Decree 310/017 of November 15th, 2017, and therefore with the objectives and requirements set out in the Subsidy for the purchase of electric buses promoted by MEF, MIEM, MTOP and MVOTMA (today MVOT and MA). This subsidy was created by art. 349 of Law 19.670, of October 15th, 2018, and regulated by Decree No. 165/019, of June 17th, 2019.
Why gender and public transport?
Women have less access to mobility services than men. Furthermore, given the distribution of tasks within households, they have different mobility patterns, with more chained trips and fewer round trips. Also, women are a minority in the PTOs’ workforce, and this trend deepens as we move upwards in the hierarchies. To improve the position of women as workers and users of public transport, the Gender-Perspective Organizational Diagnoses were promoted within PTOs, with a specific methodology to survey and propose actions to reduce the existing gaps between women and men within companies.
In addition to contributing to the elimination of emissions, electric buses achieve substantial improvements for women as users through a better quality of service and coexistence in public transport. To enhance these aspects, these new units were required to incorporate gender considerations, such as low-floor, air conditioning and security cameras. Additionally, MOVÉS implemented a gender awareness campaign in the new electric buses.
Technological test scope