What is this initiative about?

The Electric Mobility Round Table was created as an exchange forum with the private transport sector’s main actors to promote the development of electric mobility.

Ten round table is presided by the DNE (National Energy Directorate) within the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining (MIEM) goals of promoting energy efficiency and its application in transport. In this sense this new space aims to promote energy efficiency in transportation. This new space seeks to harmonize strategies between private and public sectors for the promotion and use of electric vehicles, both for people and cargo transport.

Synergies will also be developed with public institutions that work for these goals, in particular with the Inter-Institutional Group for Transport Efficiency and the MOVÉS Project.

How is it implemented?

Joint meetings are generated with the different participants to suggest proposals and solutions to the issues that concern the participants.

To date, the Automobile Club of Uruguay (ACU), the Uruguayan Chamber of Automotive Industries (CIAU), the Association of Automotive Dealers and Brands (ACAU), members of the DNE and the MOVÉS Project participate.

Some measures under study

  • Vehicle efficiency labeling.
  • Batteries regulation and management.
  • Replacement of buses and taxis to electric units.
  • Electric vehicles promotion in cargo transportation.
  • Private vehicles replacement to electric ones.
  • Academic training in the field.

Would you like to know more?

Download the MME creation document

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