What is the Green Fleet Plan?
The Green Fleet Plan (PFV) seeks to support any company that has utility vehicles( for delivery, urban transport and last mile logistics, helping them in the process of transforming their fleets towards more efficient and sustainable solutions.
This Plan’s purpose is to support an analysis, done by the company itself, of the feasibility and benefits associated with fleet replacement by more efficient and sustainable options.
Through this analysis companies can identify which vehicles could be substituted. After this, information will be provided on the public and private institutions’ incentives to promote the replacement. This information altogether is what MOVÉS calls the Ecosystem for the Promotion of Sustainable Mobility.
For more information on the Ecosystem click here.
Companies that are already part of the Green Fleet Plan

Green Fleet Plan stages
The PFV has three stages: Diagnosis, Action Plan and Follow-up. During the first stage of Diagnosis, fleet change opportunities are identified. The Action Plan defines which combustion vehicle/s can be deactivated and which sustainable vehicle/s could be incorporated, an implementation schedule is made, associated investment is calculated and future stages of this transformation are designed. Finally, in the Follow-up phase, the Plan’s implementation is evaluated, its positive effects are measured and actions are taken to strengthen it.