What is the Institutional Plan for Sustainable Mobility?
The Institutional Plan for Sustainable Mobility (PIMS) seeks to make commuting more sustainable. The so-called pendulum trips (to and from work and/or study institutions) are one of the main reasons for travel. Thus it is important to promote sustainable modes for this kind of trips.
The PIMS seeks to identify and minimize barriers to the adoption of sustainable modes in institutions. It’s goal is to reduce the use of private vehicles and their impacts on emissions and congestion.
A toolkit to implement mobility plans in institutions was developed, so they can improve the quality of life of their workers or students, and enhance its positive impact on the environment.
The kit proposes a participatory methodology to achieve a solution tailored to each institution, aimed at reducing the emissions produced in routine trips to work or study, promoting the use of sustainable modes, such as public transport or active mode: walking and cycling.
Why carry out a PIMS in your company / institution?
The reduction of greenhouse gas emissions is an urgent need. In the world, the transport sector is responsible for 24% of total CO2 emissions, but in our country, where electricity generation is more than 98% clean and renewable, transport is responsible for 65% of total emissions of CO2 from the energy sector. Transportation in Uruguay is also the largest consumer of fossil fuels. These two facts make transportation a focus of attention for reducing greenhouse gases. On the other hand, trips to work are the main reason for travel within the metropolitan area of Montevideo, accumulating 30.9% of total trips (Mobility Survey of the Montevideo Metropolitan Area, 2017).
In addition to reducing or eliminating emissions, commuting in alternative ways to the car can mean significant savings for individuals and institutions. It can also free up time that would be used in driving to do other activities during the trip or promote the adoption of healthy habits.
of CO2 emissions from the energy sector in Uruguay are from transportation
of trips in the Metropolitan area are for work
Stages of a PIMS
Companies that have already applied the PIMS:

Would you like to know more?
This kit was developed by MOVÉS and is available free of charge within its objectives of maximizing the positive impacts of its instruments. We request to inform us if you are putting it into practice, indicating the characteristics of the company or institution (number of people and results), as a way of replicating the outlined objectives.